Staff spotlight

Juliet Eardley

31 January 2025 | 1 mins read


When Juliet Eardley is not busy heading up the G.A Group’s residential division, there’s a good chance you will find her in her studio, creating bold large-form line drawings that cover entire walls, colourful and emotive paintings or, more recently, delicate and finely detailed sculptures.


Though Juliet’s body of work covers a range of mediums and styles, it is the actual “body” that provides coherence across each collection:


“All of my work is to do with the human form and starts with a drawing from life. Essentially the male and female bodies in my drawings and paintings represent the humanity rather than individuals, if I use names in my titles, names suggest types or characteristics rather than the real names of people. I often use the names Adam and Eve for obvious symbolic reasons.


Bodies are the vessel of the human spirt. Mostly I try to illustrate beauty symbolising the truth of an inner soul.”


Running parallel to this Juliet is influenced by the years she spent traveling and living amongst other cultures and in turn the native artistic styles and techniques.


First in L.A. it was the diversity of art and fusion of colour that inspired. In the Philippines Juliet admired local artists’ freedom of expression and, often by necessity, their multi-media approach. In Hong Kong Juliet was influenced by the simplicity and purity of Chinese brush work. These influences come together in Juliet’s body of work: they are reflected in abstract backgrounds, landscapes of colour and also the strongly figurative drawings; sometimes powerful statements or else cosseting feelings of passive inner calm.



“The intention is to express our human energy, either strong or passive depending on the model’s poise. White paper is sometimes blank space, my models are balanced in nothing which paradoxically can become everything.


These are paintings developed from the drawings. Here the white space is filled to become atmosphere or complexity. As ever the poise is the starting point and determines whether the finished work is a statement of determination or often a reflection about the world we live in.”


Juliet’s portfolio of work can be found on her website: