A truly global partnership ensured the seamless delivery of Anaplan’s Singapore workplace.
Anaplan needed a local partner they could rely on to deliver their refurbished Singapore office
Anaplan, a cutting-edge tech firm that provides a cloud-connected planning platform, wanted to double their floor plate in their Singapore office. The reconfigured space needed to include a client-facing and social zone, paired with a refreshed open plan workplace.
Unispace partnered with Anaplan’s concept architect and the project team to gather insights, lessons learned, and best practices to apply to the refurbishment. Anaplan engaged us as their local market partner because of our nuanced knowledge, flexibility, and reliability to deliver the documentation and project management phases.
Combining design standards with local knowledge and global platform for the win
As the local project partner, we supported the delivery and translation of Anaplan’s design concept, design development, and documentation to maintain the project timeline and schedule.
Anaplan’s global design standards were a key consideration in our project approach. We paired our expertise in design documentation with our flexibility and global platform to ensure the perfect balance between the global design standards and the local requirements in Singapore.
Taking full advantage of our global offering, the Unispace team communicated and coordinated with Anaplan leadership in San Francisco to seamlessly deliver the Singapore workplace. This included budgeting for trade market rates and determining regional compliance requirements.
Maintaining business operations during transformation
The project was undertaken in two stages, within a semi-operational business environment. Our Unispace team ensured careful planning, staging, and programming of the work in order to minimize any disruptions to Anaplan’s daily operations. The two-stage refurbishment was delivered on time within a truncated 14-week program.
“I’ve worked with dozens of design and project delivery owners representatives in the past and I can say Greg and his team at Unispace were the ideal team for us. The Unispace team was design-forward, communicative, knowledgeable, [and] flexible…His efforts allowed us to successfully complete the project on time…and I look forward to working with Unispace again in the future.”
David Saulter
Senior Manager
Global Real Estate & Workplace, Anaplan

The new workplace doubles Anaplan’s floor plate, with the space reconfigured to include a client facing and social zone, and a refreshed open plan workspace.

Reach out to the team for more projects in Singapore