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Unispace was invited to redesign the Italian office of world-leading semiconductor manufacturer and supplier, onsemi, which was undergoing a period of rapid growth which led to its workforce doubling in size.

Project brief 
onsemi, a world leader in semiconductor manufacturing had undergone a period of intensive growth. onsemi recognised that Italy, and Milan in particular, was a prime location for it to establish a Design Center focused on Cloud Power based on the expertise in this area. In addition, onsemi wanted the facility to reflect its brand values and to be a candidate attraction tool, with potential staff drawn to work for the firm ahead its competitors, in part due to its high-quality office space.  

The redevelopment would increase the existing space to 10,000 sq ft and was projected to last 12 weeks in total.

Accommodating growth 
A key consideration for Unispace during the design stages was to incorporate onsemi’s new brand as well as expanding the space to double the number of desks that could be accommodated. The organisation’s brand guidelines directed the design to include a new colour pallet based on orange, blue and black, which was established during an early exploration exercise between Unispace and onsemi. 

Improved experience 
The redesign programme focused on improving the employee experience and Unispace adapted the space so that the laboratory was now at the centre of the office, enabling all employees to see what was happening at all times.  

Recycling and sustainability 
The redevelopment of the space, and the launch of the new brand, meant that much of the existing furniture was no longer required. Unispace identified new furniture that aligned with the colour palettes included in the brand guidelines with all proposals accepted by onsemi. With a focus on sustainability and a priority to not waste any materials, the project team recycled parts of the furniture to use in new areas of the space.

The project was completed within the 12-week timeframe with no delays, with local supply chains being utilised to reduce the time between orders and deliveries. The new facilities can now accommodate up to 70 staff, double what it could before the programme, and as well as the changes to the working environment.

We are proud to have been appointed to lead both redevelopments of onsemi’s Milan offices, with our local teams working together with the organisation and suppliers to ensure our exceptional standards have been met.

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Milan, Italy








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