Art for Impact with Casa Congo and Las Tejedoras: Bridging sustainability and experiential workplace design

Together with Casa Congo and Las Tejedoras, we’re transforming plastic into purpose. Unispace’s Art for Impact program connects businesses with diverse artists to tackle climate change, social inequality, and economic development in Nicaragua. By blending sustainable practices, workplace culture, and modern office design, we’re shaping a brighter future through art-driven solutions.

Unispace’s Art for Impact (AFI) program partnered with NGO Casa Congo and Las Tejedoras ‘The Weavers’ – a collective of 17 Nicaraguan women – to design and create 30 unique tapestries made from 50,000 recycled plastic bags. These sustainable products are now sitting proudly in the offices of major brands such as Zoom across Europe, and in several Unispace studios.

Unispace’s Art for Impact program 

Art for Impact utilizes art as a vehicle for social change by connecting a workplace and a community with shared intention.  

The world is experiencing a rapid evolution, and the workplace is no exception. By building relationships with community partners in the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) space, we give our clients insights, tools, and inspiration they can apply in their spaces to tell their story, drive cultural change, and create experiences for their people.  

“I love the story of how it was made, where it comes from. It aligns with our story, Zoom’s story, our values. Knowing that we are supporting and fostering economic independence for these women.”- Izabella Lorenz, Global Real Estate & Workplace Strategy, Zoom

Driving economic and environmental change  

Over the past two years, Unispace interior designers across Europe designed more than 30 tapestries, which Las Tejedoras then created from over 50,000 recycled plastic bags. The tapestries, which can be used as rugs or wall-hung artworks, are now installed inside the HQs of over 20 global brands to inspire individual and corporate action in environmental conservation and women empowerment. 

“With Las Tejedoras, a group of incredibly resilient women, who’ve been who’ve been crafting art from waste since 2007, we looked at how we can enable them get to the next level. That’s where the partnership with Unispace came in. The more tapestries we produce and sell, the cleaner Nicaragua’s environment is going to be, and the more opportunities we’re creating for the local women.” - Nicholas Kaspareck, Co-Founder & CEO, Casa Congo 

Art for Impact’s work with Las Tejedoras has now been recognized as a champion for sustainability within the office workplace sector with an award from The Sustainable Design Collective. 

Turning plastic into purpose 

Plastic bags discarded along the Pacific Coast represent a threat for local marine species such as sea turtles. Las Tejedoras took on the mission to clean up the shores of Playa Chacocente, Nicaragua, which had become so littered with plastic it was affecting tourism, turtle nesting and the local economy. These women collect, clean, and transform beach plastic into art – tapestries and textiles.  

“This has been a source of pride for us, as Nicaraguans and women. To protect wildlife and nature through our work. Not only have I helped to collect plastic bags along the coast and in our community, but it has also provided me with a mean of income that I didn't have before.” 
- Senelia del Socorro Vargas Sevilla, President of Las Tejedoras Cooperative  

The results are cleaner beaches of Nicaragua, improved turtle nesting rates, and supporting women’s financial stability.  

Learn more about how Unispace Art for Impact can help connect your people to your DEIB, community, and sustainability goals here. 

See more about Art for Impact here.


Connect with us to talk about activating Art for Impact in your space.