Coca-Cola Amatil is an FMCG powerhouse. They wanted a new workplace to demonstrate their industrial might, while being an inspiring and efficient environment to work in. Finding an alternative premises to accommodate their people was proving a challenge, so they made the decision to extend their lease and appoint Unispace to help reorder the space they had.
By undertaking an initial workplace strategy, we were able to design and deliver their new workplace as a staged build, ensuring their employees weren’t disrupted by having to move premises.
Coca-Cola Amatil have got world class sales and manufacturing capabilities, and they wanted their workplace to show this. “Their vision is to work as one, to power happiness,” says Olivia Giangrasso, Unispace’s Senior Design Associate. This has been reflected through the inclusion of industrial elements in the space, referencing the warehouse capabilities, and quirky, bold pieces to create impact and to embody the idea of ‘powering happiness'.
Level 13 is a perfect showcase of this. The designated client floor is a light filled space with sweeping harbour views and gives a dramatic welcome to visitors. Bold pops of colour sit against the concrete and metal industrial ceiling and walls. The old King’s Cross Coca-Cola sign lights up the entrance and their in-house bar and barista bring a friendly relaxed vibe to the space.
The project aim was for Coca-Cola Amatil to be able to be more efficient in the space, to increase team engagement and to save money on rent in the process. With this goal in mind, the team took on an in-depth strategic analysis to work through some different scenarios as to how best to deliver our design. We settled on a staged approach, delivering one floor at a time. This meant a longer time on site, but also meant fewer moves for the client and less disruption to the business.
Coca-Cola Amatil's new workplace has changed the way they work by bringing people together more easily. With more informal spaces to meet, and the single staircase linking teams on each floor, their space is better utilised and people can more easily schedule ad-hoc catch-ups and formal meetings.
“One of the things I notice walking around the building is just the vibe and the spirit that’s now being created by the new space,” says Matt Toohey, Coca-Cola Amatil's General Manager, Group Property. “I’m most proud of the fact that this has achieved what we wanted it to as far as team engagement. We’ve also given back a whole floor to our landlord, which has saved us millions of dollars in rent each year.”
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