Safety…it's our priority within the workplace

No matter the size of your organisation, managing safety is critical to your success. The primary goals of health, safety and environmental (HS&E) regulations and workplace efforts are to foster the work environment for all individuals involved.

The implementation of an effective HS&E program can create lasting positive effects for an organisation, it can:

  • Help you retain staff
  • Minimise injury and illness in the workplace
  • Maximise employee productivity
  • Reduce the costs of injury and workers' compensation
  • Ensure you meet your legal obligations and employee responsibilities

At the forefront of Unispace's priorities is safety; ensuring every employee and contractor leaves work as safely as they arrive is paramount. Efforts are made to improve safety performance each year, to which Unispace has recently developed a renewed and refined focus on global safety.

In support of this initiative, our Global Executive Team (GET) has committed to focus on safety within Unispace's business operations. Firstly, this has been evident through a signed 'Safety Pledge', which is currently displayed across our Australian studios, with plans to implement in studios globally. Our Safety Pledge is inclusive of all leaders, team members, workers and mentors, ensuring every Unispace employee is across our expectations and responsibilities.

In addition, the introduction of a Global Health, Safety and Environmental Committee, will act in alignment with our company's policy on HS&E and relevant legislation. In turn, further ensuring Unispace's core values and HS&E commitments and principles are upheld. The Committee will take responsible steps to stay up-to-date with HS&E matters, understand the nature of business operations, implement strategies to mitigate the identified risk, ensure availability of resources and have processes in place to receive information and comply with obligations.

When all employees are onboard with safety protocols and workplace initiatives, this has the potential to develop an opportune and ideal workplace culture geared towards safety.