Standing Against Racism

The senseless murders of eight people – six of whom were Asian women – in an act of domestic terrorism in Atlanta, Georgia earlier this week, has contributed to the disturbing escalation in violence against the API (Asian Pacific Islanders) community over the past 12 months.

While women and the elderly are being disproportionately affected by this crisis, the violence and dangerous rhetoric against the API community as a whole, or any community for that matter, cannot and should not be tolerated or normalised.

Unispace unequivocally and emphatically condemns any type of racism, xenophobia, or misogyny against the Asian Pacific Islander community.

Further, we stand in solidarity with the API community and we ask that you join us in doing the work required to undo the historic and continued abuse which should outrage us all. Racism is real and we are committed to showing support through self-education, listening to and amplifying anti-racism messages.