Australia’s two biggest cities are struggling to meet the demand for office space. With no significant new commercial developments coming online until 2021, what can you do if you need to set up, expand or downsize in Melbourne or Sydney?
At Unispace, we meet a lot of businesses caught up in the commercial real estate crisis and we’ve found some creative ways to solve their problems.
Our experienced team can help you to think laterally about what kind of space to choose, where to relocate (or stay where your are), and how to get the most out of your workspace. For example, in Sydney we helped Coca-Cola Amatil not only save money by reducing their floor plate but also helped them to improve their workplace culture, increase productivity and create a client experience reflective of their brand. By combining strategy with design and delivery, all under one roof, we helped Coca-Cola Amatil to realise their business and brand goals and saved them a costly and lengthy workplace move.
Download our report
We’ve come up with a range of approaches to help you manage the current commercial property shortage, from reducing your floorplate; to adopting coworking; and getting ahead by relocating to up-and-coming areas.
Click here to download the report to see how Unispace can help, or contact our team for a free workplace assessment today.