Are we putting people at the heart of workplace and campus creation?

On the 28th February, leading occupiers came together in London to hear a range of experts magnify the key steps in creating, connecting and servicing a workplace campus.

The Heart of the Campus Workplace

'Putting people at the heart of the development' was the key message from an intensive morning seminar on the theme of the workplace campus held at London's wonderful Design Museum.

Curated by Unispace, speakers from a range of organisations including PLP Architecture, DP9, Gather & Gather, Baker Stuart and IBM, presented masterclasses from the earliest stages of campus master-planning through to design, finance, construction, connecting and operating buildings in both urban and ‘island’ environments.

Read more here on the attributes of the campus workplace

MAGNIFY: Your vision of the Campus

Please view the highlights reel from the morning below, and feel free to join the discussion and contact Martin Maynard with your thoughts on campus creation, and the multiple approaches involved.

"What I have learnt is that 'focus' is different and 'industry' is different  this is a place where we can learn from others, and I love that."

– Shameemah Chota, Facilities Manager, Netflix 

workplace design, office design, commercial interiors, workplace strategy, deliveryThe Design Museum, London

The adoption of the campus theme has been blurred between large-scale commercial schemes and those that genuinely draw inspiration from education-based environments.

By spending a morning scrutinising the campus environment, some common ideas surfaced, including the need for customer-focused vision, a long-term strategy for the benefit of the campus and the community around it, whilst understanding the risk and positives from the outset. 

"The entire real estate and built environment industry is going through a shift, so someone like Unispace leading that language, actually defining what a campus is like. That was what we were hearing today, the actual reality behind it."

– Josh Artus, Director of Built Environment Strategy, The Centric Lab

A campus is at its best when it can foster interaction and create truly immersive experiences, placing the end-user at the heart of workplace strategy and design. Exactly where they should be. 

Read Neil Usher's review of Dave Egger's book, 'The Circle' that parodies the workplace of the future!

#CampusMagnify #ThinkCreateMake

workplace design, office design, commercial interiors, workplace strategy, delivery